I currently live in Klamath Falls, OR.
You can probably swing by the Epicenter Bowling alley or Hanscam’s Bowl and just ask when I’ll be around. 🙂
I also bowl in nearly every SOBA event throughout the year so by coming to any of the planned events in that tournament tour you can usually find me.
For more conventional means though you can hit me up by emailing me at mountsbowling@ gmail.com. I try to check that account at least once a week since it’s moreorless a work email for me.
You can also head over to the Mounts Bowling Facebook page and shoot me a message there. if you do that Ill probably get a notification direct to my personal cell phone so it’s probably a better way to connect with me and get a response faster.
The Mounts Bowling Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MountsBowling/
I’m considering setting up some additional social accounts for this project but am resisting at this time. Possibly in the future I’ll be found on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or some other platform but seriously, I’m not sure I got time for any of that! 🙂